Why Are the Flies Biting Us?

There are many reasons why flies bite humans. These insects can transmit diseases and carry pathogens on their body hairs and tarsi. They can also transmit these diseases to surfaces and food. Fly bites are painful and can lead to allergic reactions. A physician can diagnose the condition and offer treatment options. A simple solution for mild symptoms is to apply a cool compress over the bite area to reduce swelling and pain.

Most people have been bitten by a fly at one point in their lives. Although mosquitoes account for most of these attacks, there are many other species of flies that bite humans. These insects have two wings and pierce the skin to feed on food and liquids.

Controlling biting flies can be a difficult task, especially in areas where their larvae hide. Adult biting flies can migrate many miles away from their larval habitat. This makes sanitation a key aspect of pest control. Another common source of biting flies is decaying hay, straw, or manure. These materials contain the larvae of many different species of flies.

While some flies are known for their stings, most are harmless. The common symptoms of a fly bite include pain, itchiness, or bleeding, but most are not dangerous. Fortunately, a simple home remedy will cure most cases. Most bites are caused by female flies that are looking for prey. Female flies will continue to bite until the prey is sufficiently sucked dry for the maggots to pupate.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!