Which Fly Types Lay Maggots?

When it comes to pest control, there are some flies that are more damaging than others. There are several types of flies, including filth-breeding flies that lay maggots in rotting organic matter. These flies are very mobile and can mechanically pick up and deposit pathogens and bacteria. The adult flies of these types can live for one month or more and lay hundreds of eggs. These flies spend much of their lives inside decaying organic matter and waste, so any place with a small amount of moisture can become a breeding site for maggots.

These insects can be a real pest if left unchecked. Not only can they make your home smell bad, but they can also pose a danger to your pet. Make sure you store your trash properly and keep leftovers in the freezer or refrigerator. You can also treat the area with insecticide to kill any maggots that may be present.

While most flies do not lay maggots on humans, many species do lay their eggs on objects and other insects. Some types of flies can transmit their eggs to humans through mosquitoes. Once the maggots hatch, they will burrow under the skin and cause a red bump to develop. The larvae will then burrow out of the body of their host.

Maggots are the larval stage of a fly and have a distinctive conical shape. These larvae are usually off-white and are about half an inch long. They are characterized by a dark spot on the posterior end, which is their breathing hole. They do not have teeth, but they do have mandibles and are covered with spiracles.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!