Where Flys Direct to Maldives?

There are many different flights to the Maldives, so it’s important to find the best flight from your home airport to the island nation. Depending on which airport you’re flying into, you’ll need to determine whether you’re interested in taking a nonstop flight or a stopover flight. The shortest nonstop flight takes about 19 hours 20 minutes, while the longest one takes nearly 31 hours and 40 minutes.

Maldives flights are relatively inexpensive. The average ticket costs $4,642 per person, but you can also find some cheap tickets for as little as $357. Depending on where you’re flying from and what time of year you’re traveling, prices will vary. You can also look into using points to get a discounted flight.

The easiest way to get to the Maldives is by flying with British Airways. The airline flies to Male three times a week during high season. The flight takes just over 10 hours and arrives at 9.40AM, making it ideal for connecting flights. However, there are several constraints to this service, including a limited choice of dates. During the months of April and September, the British Airways flight is not available.

You can also find several different routes from Los Angeles to the Maldives. The fastest and cheapest one-stop flight from Los Angeles costs around USD 1000. The average one-way flight to Maldives from the US takes about 24 hours.

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