Where Do Huge Flies Come From?

House flies are attracted to a building’s warm side. During warm weather, they cluster together and enter a building through a crack or gap. When temperatures fall below 54 degrees, they hibernate and emerge when the temperature rises. The best time to see them is around windows that receive sunlight.

There are two main types of flies: large flies and small flies. The former is typically 1/8 to 3/8 inches long while the latter are often found indoors. A typical home infestation of flies will include many types. These flies are attracted to a home or a place where food and water is readily available.

Cluster flies can be difficult to remove because they are incredibly invasive. Fortunately, most of them cannot harm humans or animals, and their infestation is not dangerous. While they can infest your home, they can’t spread diseases or lay eggs. They are most prevalent in homes that are located on high ground or exposed hilltops.

Bottle flies and blow flies have metallic appearances and feed off of decayed vegetation and animal carcasses. They are found near meat processing facilities and sewage facilities and lay their eggs on decaying organic matter.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!