What Kind of Flies Are These?

If you are noticing a large number of flies at your house, the first thing you should do is determine their species. Fly species are usually easily distinguishable by their body color and shape. For example, the green bottle fly has a metallic green body and its eggs are laid on freshly cooked meat and decaying garbage. Their larvae live about seven days and then disperse to pupate on walls or near garbage cans. The population of this fly peaks in the summer months.

Another common type of fly is the cluster fly, which can enter your home in winter and spring. These flies can cause a nuisance if they live in an attic, while some may come inside your home on warm days. They are relatively small but can be a nuisance if left alone.

If you suspect that you have a fungus gnat infestation, the first thing you should do is to identify the species of fly that is causing the problem. Generally, these flies do not reproduce indoors, but they may breed in the soil of houseplants or garbage. If they breed in your home, you need to clean them up as soon as possible.

Other flies that may be lurking in your home are fruit flies, which can be a nuisance all year long. These flies are small and can be identified by their bright red eyes. While they are not dangerous to humans, they can contaminate your fruit or produce.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!