What Flies Are Attracted to Vinegar?

If you want to attract fruit flies to your garden, you can make a trap out of vinegar and dish soap. But these traps do not work for all types of flies. It is important to understand that different fly species are attracted to different smells. Fruit flies, for instance, are attracted to the smell of fermenting fruit. If you use vinegar to attract fruit flies, you should use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. White vinegar has too much odor and lacks the sweetness that flies need. However, apple cider vinegar has a very fruity scent.

Another method of repelling fruit flies is to use rotten fruit as bait. Place the rotten fruit in a bowl or jar. Place the jar or bowl in a place where fruit flies will congregate and flies will be drawn to the smell. If you can’t find rotten fruit, you can use plastic wrap to cover the rotten fruit. Be sure to poke a few holes in the plastic wrap to make sure that fruit flies will be attracted to it.

A homemade vinegar trap is also a good way to repel these pests. You can mix a solution of vinegar and dish soap and put it in a plastic bag or container. You should then secure it with a rubber band. This will keep flies away from the vinegar, because they will fly through the holes. You can also use cayenne pepper as a fly repellent. Mix it with water and spray the area around the house.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!