What Flies Are Blue?

If you’ve ever wondered what flies are blue, you’re not alone. Blue bottle flies are bigger than houseflies but have the same habits. These flies are attracted to sticky surfaces and can even be attracted to homemade traps. These flies carry Myiasis bacteria and can pose a health risk, so it’s important to understand their habits and how to keep them at bay. If you’ve noticed these flies in your home, use fly traps or food covers to keep them away. You can also consult a specialist if you think you have an infestation.

There are a few common types of flies that are blue. The blue bottle fly (Calliptera vomitoria) is double the size of a housefly. Its distinctive color and orange hair on its cheeks set it apart from other flies. You’ll find this type of fly around garbage areas, restaurant trash areas, and in homes with dead animals. These flies are notorious for spreading diseases and are best kept away from humans.

The bluebottle fly lives in houses where there’s a lot of decaying matter. They can even lay their eggs in your food. Their larvae feed on decomposing matter and are known to cause blood poisoning. These flies can also be dangerous for humans and pets. If you’re bitten by a bluebottle fly, you should avoid the affected area of your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!