How to Prevent Flies From Living in Your Grass

If you notice that flies are gathering on your grass, there are a few simple ways to prevent the flies from settling in your yard. First, make sure that you keep your yard clean. Remove any garbage and other trash from your lawn, and be sure to cover birdbaths, pet waste, and any other decomposing matter. You should also clean up any standing water, such as puddles in your yard or soaking soil after a heavy rain.

One of the easiest methods to stop flies from settling in your grass is to spray it with a nematode powder. Mix this powder with a little water and spray it on your lawn using a garden sprayer. Shake the powder solution often to prevent it from setting, and then keep it moist for seven days. If the flies don’t go away after this treatment, you may have to resort to chemical treatments. These chemicals include pyrethrins, which are plant-based insecticides that target the nervous system of insects. There are also pyrethroids, which are synthetic chemicals that mimic the properties of pyrethrins.

The best way to stop flies from invading your yard is to eliminate the food sources and materials that attract them. Ideally, these food scraps should go into a compost pile. Never leave food scraps out overnight. If you don’t have a composter, consider buying one.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!