How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Fruit flies are pests in your home that can be dangerous if you are not sure what to do to prevent them. They like fermented foods, so it is crucial that you avoid eating over-ripe fruit, beer or wine, and any other fermenting items. Also, be sure to seal jars with plastic wrap. This way, fruit flies won’t be able to break out of the jars.
While fruit flies are tiny, they can easily spread throughout a house. They often enter through open windows and screens, and are drawn to the smell of rotting or contaminated produce. They will also be attracted to trash cans and dirty dishes. It is imperative to get rid of fruit flies as soon as possible.
To eliminate fruit fly infestations, you need to find and destroy the source of the fruit flies. Fruit flies will lay hundreds of eggs in a short period of time. They lay their eggs near decaying materials like garbage and other organic materials. The resulting eggs hatch in about twenty-four hours, and the larvae start feeding on the decayed matter. Once they reach adulthood, they will be ready to mate and breed.
You can also prevent fruit fly infestations by cleaning up any open containers and trash. Use tightly-sealed trash cans and dumpsters to store discarded items, and dispose of overripe fruit in the fridge or freezer. To eliminate the breeding source of fruit flies, you can also apply store-bought traps such as Aunt Fannie’s FlyPunch and Garsum’s Sticky Trap. However, you should avoid using bleach and hot water on fruit flies to remove them from your home. In addition, make sure that your food and storage areas are free of water and a clean mop head is essential.