How Small Are Black Flies?

Black flies are tiny insects, about one to five millimeters long. They lay their eggs on submerged objects and feed on nutrients in flowing water. Their larvae remain underwater for several weeks before they emerge as an adult. They usually stay within 16 kilometers of the water source, but can fly much farther if they’re caught in an air current.

Adult black flies have modified mouthparts for biting and blood feeding. They live for about two to three weeks and are common in spring and fall. They tend to be active during the day and during early evening, but may be present throughout the year. The presence of these flies in your home can be a nuisance. To avoid them, wear light colored clothing and keep the area dry. Also, apply topical products to reduce itching if you get bitten.

The adult black flies measure between two and five millimeters in length. Their thorax is shiny and strongly convex. They may also be gray or yellow. The wings are broad and clear and lack hair, and they have thick veins near the anterior wing margin. Their eyes are large and round. They do not have simple eyes, and they feed on plant nectars.

While black flies are relatively harmless to humans, their presence in our home can be detrimental to our health. Many animals and birds are prone to being bitten by black flies. While the bites from black flies are not painful, they can be an annoying nuisance. The flies are most active during the morning and early evening, but can be less active on windy days.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!