How Much Do Fruit Flies Weigh?

When you think of a fruit fly, you probably think of a tiny, wingless insect. But fruit flies are not as lightweight as they look, and their wingbeats respond to changes in their environment disproportionately. In addition, they have very little momentum, so even a small gust of wind can knock them off course. As a result, experiments have shown that one errant wingbeat can send a fly into a death spiral. To avoid this scenario, fruit flies are equipped with a haltere, which serves as a biological gyroscope.

Scientists study fruit flies for genetic research purposes. They share 75% of their genes with humans, and their short lifespan makes them ideal for studying the changes that occur between birth and death. For this reason, fruit flies are a very valuable research tool. So how much do fruit flies weigh?

To control a fruit fly infestation, you must first identify the breeding areas and clean them. Finding them can be tricky, but persistence is key. Try using a clear plastic food storage bag to inspect the area where they are most likely to breed. This will attract adult fruit flies that will try to leave. If you can’t reach the breeding site, you can try a cone-shaped trap, which is made of paper and wine.

Fruit flies have huge reproductive potential. Given the opportunity, they can lay up to 500 eggs in less than a week.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!