How Do I Get Rid of All These Flies in My House?

The summer months are here and you’ve probably noticed an increase in the number of flies in your home. During this time, house flies are transitioning from maggots to adult flies. Luckily, there are several ways you can get rid of these nuisances.

First, you must remove their sources of food. Flies are attracted to the rotting food in your garbage bin. In addition, they are drawn to the warm temperature of your house and are more active on warm days. If you find them at the garbage bin, you should wash it thoroughly.

Once they are adults, they reproduce very rapidly. In less than a week, an adult fly can lay thousands of eggs. These eggs will hatch, which will then lay more flies. Eventually, the flies will build a large colony and become a nuisance. If you don’t act on them quickly, they can become a huge problem. However, most people don’t realize that this type of insect can also be harmful to their health.

Getting rid of these pesky flies isn’t hard, as long as you practice proper sanitation. By sanitizing your home regularly, you’ll be able to eliminate their food sources and breeding areas, as well as reduce the temperature inside your house. You can also close your windows and doors to keep out the flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!