How Do Bot Flies Affect Humans?

Bot flies are small insects that typically live in moist mountainous regions. Most people come into contact with them while traveling. When they bite, humans can experience intense itching, especially at the wound site. A dermatologist or an infectologist should be consulted if you suspect that you are infected.

The female Dermatobia hominis, the adult form of the bot fly, deposits her mature eggs on a blood-feeding arthropod (usually a mosquito or a tick). The larvae then capture and infest the blood-feeding arthropod while it is flying. This behavior is known as phoresy. This behavior is triggered by changes in the temperature.

Bot flies affect humans rarely, but it is possible to become infested with these bugs. While they can cause itching and irritation to humans, these flies are most likely harmless. The larvae of bot flies are extremely painful, with spines that burrow into the skin. Once inside the host animal, the larvae will feed on the mammal’s blood, which can lead to a serious illness.

The symptoms of a botfly infestation typically develop within 2 days. The initial sign is a nodule containing a larva. The larvae must be removed carefully as they can break apart if they are pulled by hand. However, if you are unable to remove the larvae yourself, a trained physician can do it with a scalpel or blunt instruments. In some cases, you may decide to wait and see if the larvae develop on its own or remove it altogether.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!