Can Flies Come From Cat Poop?

A dirty cat litter box attracts a lot of flies. There are various reasons for this, and some of them can be easily prevented. Clean your litter box regularly to keep flies away. You can also make use of the Venus Fly Trap or make your own fly trap to keep the flies out of your home. Also, you should make sure to close all windows and doors to limit the amount of fly entry into your home.

Fly larvae, or maggots, infect cats after the female flies lay eggs. House flies, blow flies, and bot flies lay their eggs on cats’ skin. The larvae of these flies enter the cat’s body through the wounds. They rapidly move to the infected wounds and infest the surrounding tissue.

Gnats are also found in cat litter. While most gnats do not come into contact with the cat’s poop, some species can spread disease or carry parasites. However, in many cities, gnats are not common in cat litter.

The most common intestinal parasite in cats is roundworm. About 25% of cats are infected with this parasite. It is small and flat with a head that is embedded in the mucous membrane lining of the small intestine. Once the worm matures, it produces fertile eggs that pass in the cat’s feces.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!