Why Can’t We Catch Flies?

Flies have a unique ability to take off and land. They do this by using a special set of hind wings. Because of this specialized set of wings, they are able to jump off a stationary object and take flight within seconds. In addition to their specialized hind wings, flies also have a specialized balance stick.

Fly eyes have complex string-like structures that react mechanically to light. By comparison, vertebrates have long, tube-like cells that face light and react to it chemically. The speedy structure of fly eyes requires more energy to function than a slower response. Because of this, the flies are able to react to light much faster than their vertebrate counterparts.

The difference in perception between flies and humans can be explained by the fact that they perceive time differently from humans. Turtles experience time twice as fast as humans do, while most fly species experience time four times slower. This means that flies perceive time as a continuous video, while we perceive it as discrete flashes. Our brains process these flashes at a rate of about 60 flashes per second, while flies’ brains process only 250 flashes per second.

Another difference between flies and humans is that their sense of time is affected by size. The smaller their bodies, the slower their perception of time. Hence, a rolled-up newspaper would appear blurry to our eyes. In other words, a fly’s perception of time is directly proportional to the size of its body and metabolic rate.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!