How Come Flies Follow Me?

If you live in an area that is plagued by flies, you might be wondering, “How come flies follow me?” Flies can be found in any place, including your home, and they have very complex eyes and a great sense of smell. They also are constantly on the lookout for warm places to lay their eggs. Sadly, flies can also be very harmful to humans as they are vectors for many communicable diseases. In fact, if you live in a region where flies are prevalent, you should take measures to avoid their presence.

Flies are attracted to people due to the scent they give off. They can detect a person’s body odor from far distances, so if you’re covered in sweat, they’re likely to come close and attempt to land on you. Flies also like the scent of dead animals and the smell of rotting food. They won’t bite you unless you’re covered in sweat and oil, but they will try to land on your face or ears if they can smell it.

One of the first things you can do to reduce the number of flies in your home is to clean it. Flies are attracted to smells that are pungent and so keeping your home clean will help. Another solution is to use a commercial fly repellent to keep flies at bay. However, you should always check the label and make sure it doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients. You should also avoid using this repellent in enclosed areas.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!