How Can You Use Honey to Catch Flies?

One simple method to catch flies is to use a funnel made of honey and water. The fruit flies like the syrup, so the funnel will help you trap them. Once inside, flies will find it hard to fly away. While it’s unlikely to catch every fly, it will help you catch a large number of flies.

The trickiest part is attracting the flies to the fly trap. The flies will only land in the trap if they smell something sweet. You can use honey, simple syrup, or fruit as bait. You can also use vinegar, which will help keep bees away. Once you’ve gotten a fly, you can then release it outdoors, or put it into a jar for later inspection.

The next step is to place the trap in a sunny area. The flies will gather in the glass jar. Add some sugar water, vinegar, or dish soap to the jar. Once the flies have gathered in the jar, cover the opening with plastic wrap. You can use a rubber band to secure the plastic wrap. Once you’ve done this, poke a small hole in the plastic wrap. When a fly lands in the jar, it will drown in the liquid.

Another great way to catch flies is by using flypaper. These sticky strips are easy to use and can be used anywhere. They’re coated with a sugary substance that draws the flies and makes them stuck to the paper. You can hang these traps from a counter top or even a table.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!