Do Flies Serve Any Purpose?

Flies are pests that can be irritating and often land on human skin or food. They are also known to carry different types of diseases. It is also important to remember that they feed on decaying matter in the environment and can be harmful to human health. In addition, their larvae are disgusting.

Although most flies do not bite humans, there are those that do. This includes mosquitoes and horseflies. But while they can be annoying, flies are an essential part of ecosystems and are vital to higher-levels of the food chain. This makes their benefits outweigh the negatives.

Many species of insects are sensitive to changes in air pressure and weather conditions. This means that they can predict bad weather. They can burrow underground or find a dark place to shelter in. They can also find shelter in undergrowth and under the eaves of buildings. Their ability to predict weather patterns allows them to survive in the outdoors.

Flies are also important pollinators. Without pollination, flies would not be attracted to the plants. But in some cases, these plants have poor nectar and are unable to attract bees. As a result, they release smells that resemble rotting animals and attract flies. So, even though they are nuisances, flies play an essential role in pollination. They also serve as decomposers and are an important part of our environment.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!