Do Flies Give Bug Bites?

If you’ve ever been bitten by a fly, you probably don’t like the sensation. Flies are annoying and can ruin a nice day in the summer. In addition to irritating you, flies can also carry diseases and can cause painful bug bites. To avoid this, take precautions when around them.

While some flies don’t bite humans, others are known to do so. Some of the most common flies that bite humans include stable flies, black flies, and horse flies. Common house flies aren’t known for their biting abilities, but they do present a health risk due to their presence in our environment.

If the bites are minor, it is usually a simple matter of cleansing the area with soap and water or applying a topical antihistamine to the area. But if the bites are severe, you should see a physician. The doctor can perform some tests to determine what species of fly is responsible for the bug bites. In addition to using a topical antihistamine, you should also avoid scratching or eating sweets or fatty foods.

Flies have special mouthparts that enable them to pierce your skin. Unlike mosquitoes, flies have razor-sharp teeth that cut deep into the skin to get to the blood pool beneath. This can lead to painful bug bites, and even blood-filled welts. Some people even get allergic reactions to flies. The type of fly bite you get will depend on its species and the location in which it bit you.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!