Can Black Soldier Flies Eat Dog Poop?

Black soldier flies are not picky eaters and they have no particular preference in what they eat. The larvae of these flies decompose manure and food waste quickly. This reduces the odor and disease risks associated with the waste.

The larva of these flies are found underneath garbage cans and dumpsters. You can also find them in compost piles. The larvae are a good source of calcium for your pet. Once the pupae hatch, you can feed them to your dog.

The larvae of black soldier flies are not harmful to humans or pets. They do not transmit zoonotic diseases and do not bite. However, they can provide entertainment for some dogs. If they sting, your dog may experience back pain or swelling. You can kill adult soldier flies with a fly swatter. You can also use an aerosol insect spray with pyrethrins.

Adult black soldier flies are approximately 7/8 inches long and are slow fliers. Their wings are dusky black when they are resting, and their antennae are long and tapered. Their bodies are plump and torpedo-shaped. They also have white to yellow heads.

Although black soldier flies are not directly poisonous, they do consume food waste. Some larva farms even raise these insects for poultry and pet food.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

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