Can Fruit Flies Eat Clothes?

Fruit flies love to feed on ripe fruits and vegetables. It’s best to keep your fruit and vegetables refrigerated. You should also take extra precautions to keep your kitchen area clean. You should also keep your garbage can and drains covered. If you have an infestation of fruit flies, you may need to throw away some of your favorite foods.

Fruit flies are tiny flying insects, measuring about 3-4 mm in length, including their wings. They have a distinctive red eye, and their body color can vary from tan to brownish black. While they may not look like they’ll eat your clothes, they can wreak havoc on your clothes.

Fruit flies prefer bananas, tomatoes, squash, and apples. Adult female fruit flies lay as many as 2,000 eggs on rotting or moist surfaces. In about 30 hours, the eggs hatch. The larvae begin eating decayed food. They live for about eight to fifteen days.

A fruit fly infestation can lead to illnesses. These insects are known to carry bacteria and pathogens. They can also cross-contaminate food and drinks with harmful bacteria. As a result, it’s best to avoid fruit flies and clean the affected area immediately. If the problem is severe, you may have to visit the hospital.

You should always keep your clothing clean to avoid fruit flies from entering your clothes. Fruit flies are mainly attracted to fruits and vegetables, but they can also feed on other objects. Besides food, they feed on garbage and damp rags.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!