Are Cluster Flies Bigger Than House Flies?

If you’ve ever seen a cluster fly, you know the disgusting odor it produces. They also leave behind fecal matter that can be quite offensive. Cluster flies can be extremely annoying and are generally best removed by trapping or killing them. Cluster flies don’t look metallic like house flies do, instead they have yellowish-gold hairs on their thorax and legs.

Cluster flies belong to the same family as blow flies. These insects are mostly found close to the ground and feed on plant sap, flower nectar and fruits. They also feed on organic matter. Their larvae are parasitic on earthworms, which is why they tend to congregate near earthworm burrows. Regardless of where they find shelter, they are most irritating during the warmer seasons.

To prevent cluster flies from entering your home, you should seal all cracks and gaps that are visible to cluster flies. Likewise, you should replace damaged screens on doors and windows. In addition, you should remove standing water in your yard. These insects also love sweets, so you should avoid placing your food near these areas.

Cluster flies are similar to house flies, but are larger, darker and slower-moving. They are more common in homes with open spaces and lawns. They often collect in clusters after entering a home and can produce a foul odor. They are different from face flies, which are the pests of cattle. While they live in your house, they hibernate and feed in fresh manure.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!