Why Can’t Humans Get Fleas?

We tend to associate fleas with our pets, but it is important to understand that humans can get fleas, too. Fleas are not harmless and can even cause disease if they infest the human skin. There are more than 2,000 different species of flea, including many that can live on humans. In centuries past, fleas were one of the leading causes of epidemics.

While fleas can live on humans, they do not live on their bodies or in our hair. Most flea bites are on our ankles and feet. This is because fleas can’t jump high enough to land on human skin. Also, fleas do not live on humans for long enough to lay viable eggs. Usually, fleas jump from infested animals to infest humans.

Fleas are difficult to get rid of once they’re established in your home, but you can take preventative steps to minimize the likelihood of them returning. For example, using tea tree oil in your shampoo will help repel fleas. This oil is anti-microbial and anti-parasitic, so it’s great for keeping fleas away.

Flea bites itch because the fleas saliva contains an anticoagulant, which increases blood flow to the area. Your immune system reacts to this substance, and the skin around the bite swells and becomes red. The irritation from fleas can lead to infections and even serious illnesses.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!