What to Kill Fleas in Yard Without Harmful Chemicals

If you want to kill fleas in your yard without harmful chemicals, you can use agricultural lime. This product contains tiny microskeletons of diatoms that fleas can’t resist. These particles suffocate or dehydrate them and kill them. It works against fleas, ticks, and other yard pests.

Fleas are attracted to the shade and will seek cover in bushes or piles of leaves. By reducing the amount of shade in your yard, you can reduce flea numbers in your yard. However, you must also be aware of fleas’ love of moisture. If you notice fleas on your pet, you should limit their time on the yard.

Before you start treating your yard, you must remove any bedding from your pets. Even if you use washable bedding, you should remove it and clean it thoroughly before returning it to your yard. Flea-ridden bedding should be disposed of, preferably by placing it in a trashcan.

You can also use essential oils to kill fleas in your yard. Essential oils can be added to lawn sprays or sprinkled around infested areas. However, essential oils can be expensive and are best used in combination with other methods. You can buy them online or from local garden stores. Another common chemical used to kill fleas in your yard is borax. While it is effective, it is not safe for plants and aquatic animals.

For the best results, you should look for an organic way to kill fleas in your yard. A natural alternative to chemical solutions is using beneficial nematodes. Nematodes are microscopic organisms that feed on insects like fleas and ticks. Moreover, they are safe for humans and plants. To ensure safety, you should wear gloves and only apply these pesticides in your yard after you’re out of the house.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!