How Many Fleas is a Bad Infestation?

The best way to eliminate fleas is to wash and dry your pet’s bedding and other items. It’s important to wash all items that come in contact with the pet, because even one flea can leave 20,000 eggs in 60 days. Using a flea spray can also be effective. It can be used on clothing, furniture, and baseboards.

Fleas are mainly found on pets, but they can also infest people. They can be brought inside through clothing and shoes, and they can live in bedding and furniture. Additionally, fleas can live in kennels and other areas where animals congregate. Even indoor pets are susceptible to fleas, since humidity levels are relatively constant inside the home.

Fleas can be hard to detect, so check furniture and rugs for flea eggs. Unlike bedbugs, fleas are able to hide in rugs and carpets without being spotted. Also, check your pets’ skin if they’re scratching excessively.

A flea infestation can be a problem because of the fact that fleas can multiply rapidly before you notice them. Infestations can last for weeks or even months before you notice that the infestation has reached an unacceptable level. Once you notice that your pets have an infestation, treat the infestation immediately. In most cases, you can eliminate an infestation by yourself without the help of a professional.

The best way to get rid of fleas is to treat them early. An effective flea treatment will prevent fleas from returning to a host after treatment. You can also use a flea control product that contains a growth regulator, which makes fleas sterile. It can be added to insecticides, or used separately.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!