How Long Do Fleas Live in Your House?

If you think fleas live only in animals, then you may be surprised to learn that they can live in your home for several months. Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions for flea infestations. One method is to treat your pet, your home, and any outdoor living areas.

Fleas are able to live in your house for up to 6 months without a host. This is because they can lay eggs to extend their lives. Flea eggs are laid by females whenever they can find a source of blood. They can lay as many as 27 eggs per day. In an effort to control their population, you can use room foggers. But room foggers only kill adult fleas and cannot control the eggs and larvae.

Vacuuming your home is another important way to get rid of fleas. Flea larvae burrow into carpeting, furniture, and curtains. This means that you need to vacuum often to get rid of them. You should try to vacuum your entire house once a week, and then vacuum the areas where your pet spends most of their time. You can also use a steam cleaner to kill fleas that are in hard-to-reach places. Make sure to empty the vacuum bag outside to avoid any escaping fleas.

Adult fleas typically live for up to 90 days with a host. However, without a host, they will survive for up to two weeks without food. This means that once you kill the adult flea, its pupae will also survive in your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!