Are Fleas More Active in Summer and Fall?

Fleas are active in the summer and early fall, when temperatures are warm and humidity is high. Fleas are less active in the winter, but will remain active in early spring once the temperatures rise. It is a good idea to apply flea preventative measures to your home to protect yourself and your pet from these pesky pests.

Fleas and ticks are two very different types of pests. Fleas have six legs, whereas ticks have eight legs. Ticks don’t usually infest indoor environments, although they can infest dog owners’ homes. The exception is the Brown Dog Tick, which has recently been imported from Europe and is spreading rapidly throughout the UK. Mites, on the other hand, have eight legs and look like spiders. They often live in the ears of animals, and their presence can make the ears look filthy. A black discharge can also be present, and redness or inflammation of the ears may occur.

Fleas are more active in warmer weather because the larvae can develop faster. The larvae of fleas remain in their cocoon for up to a year before hatching. Female fleas can live for up to a month, and can lay as many as 50 eggs per day.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!