How Far Do Fleas Jump?

Scientists have always been curious about how far fleas can jump. These tiny insects possess incredible athletic ability, as they must generate enormous amounts of power to propel themselves at such great speeds and distances. Yet, the exact mechanism behind the leap has puzzled scientists for decades. A recent study from the University of Cambridge shed some light on this mystery and explains how the fleas generate the energy required for their huge jumps. The researchers found that the fleas store this energy in an elastic protein called resilin, which they transfer through their toes and shins. This allows them to jump massive distances, while still having enough strength to remain on their host for a while.

The flea’s superpowers allow it to leap between fifty and 100 times its own length, which is equivalent to a human jumping hundreds of meters. The reason for the flea’s incredible leaps is because they must jump onto a moving animal in order to feed. Moreover, they must cover a great distance in order to breed. Therefore, fleas need to jump far to breed.

To jump so far, fleas use their strong back legs to propel themselves. In some cases, they can even jump a hundred times their own height, while others can jump only a few inches. Dog fleas are among the fastest jumping fleas, with some species being able to leap 150 times their length. This makes the flying fleas a serious concern for pet owners.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!