How Do Cat Fleas Bite Humans?

Cat fleas can be a big nuisance, but they are not dangerous if you know what to look for. First of all, you should avoid touching your pet’s fur. Fleas are attracted to carbon dioxide and warmth, and when they come into contact with their host, they start feeding on blood. They typically die within two days.

Although fleas don’t live on people, they do like animals with a lot of fur. They are reddish-brown in color and about one eighth of an inch long. Fleas have modified hind legs that are very useful for jumping and are able to jump as much as eight inches vertically and sixteen inches horizontally. Fleas have powerful legs and claws, and their mouthparts have a needle-like projection on their back and legs. These parts are used to penetrate the hair and fur of their host and get to the bloodstream.

When cat fleas bite humans, they can cause severe itching, as the fleas’ saliva contains a substance that stimulates the immune system to produce an allergic reaction. This reaction may lead to red, swollen skin and an itchy rash. However, it can be less severe in some people than others. People with allergies should seek medical advice if they experience a reaction.

Flea bites are usually on the lower legs or arms, but can also occur on the head or abdomen. They leave a round red spot on the skin, which is a common sign of infestation. While most cat flea bites are minor discomforts, you should avoid scratching the affected areas and use antihistamine creams to reduce the itching and inflammation. You should also avoid rubbing the affected areas unless you are sure they are clean.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!