Can Fleas on Dogs Cause Hair Loss?

While fleas are not considered the main cause of hair loss in dogs, they can be bothersome and irritate the skin. This irritation will eventually result in hair loss in dogs. Other possible causes of hair loss in dogs include mites and lice. Lice are different from fleas and can be spread from infected dogs or through infected grooming tools. Symptoms of lice infestation include itching, redness, and flaky skin.

The best way to determine if your dog is infested with fleas is to check its skin. You may notice fecal clumps on the dog’s skin or oily, thick skin. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a vet. Medications or dietary changes may be prescribed. You may also need to treat a secondary bacterial infection.

Dogs with skin infections may also experience hair loss. Some common skin infections include ringworm and staph bacteria. Dogs with skin folds are especially susceptible to fungal infections. If your dog develops any of these, seek treatment as soon as possible. In addition to fleas, ticks and mites can also cause hair loss in dogs.

Fleas are common during warmer months. Your pet can catch them from other dogs or from dormant flea eggs in rugs and bedding. Fleas can cause your pet to scratch and bite himself, which will eventually cause bald patches. Some natural flea preventative measures include amber collars and cedar oil sprays.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!