What Family Does Cockroach Belong to?

Cockroaches belong to the family Pterygota, which includes wasps, flies, termites, and fleas. Although they share some common characteristics, the family is also very diverse, with each species exhibiting unique traits. Their spiky, short legs allow them to travel quickly and traverse walls and ceilings. They also have abdominal reproductive organs and two small protrusions called cerci, which are used to mate and reproduce. In addition to their spiky legs, cockroaches also have wings and a pleural muscle that folds them up. This muscle is located on the thorax and connects to the legs. Their legs are specialized for movement, and they are extremely difficult to catch.

The name cockroach comes from its nymph stage. These insects are abundant and widespread throughout the world. Although they share taxonomy with a large variety of insects, they are distinct in their size and habits. These characteristics help to distinguish the family of cockroaches from other types of insects. If you’re looking for the right insect for your home, there are many cockroach species.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are large cockroaches native to Madagascar. Males have large, prominent pronotal humps. Females are smaller, and have a smoother thorax and brushier antennae. Males display their territorial status through aggressive behavior. They also display their pronatal humps during battle. Females, on the other hand, are much more social.