What Class Does Cockroach Belong To?

A cockroach belongs to the insect family. This group of invertebrates is the largest in the arthropod phylum. The general characteristics of insects include a three-part body, three pairs of jointed legs, one pair of antennae, and a chitinous exoskeleton.

The cockroach is a hardy invertebrate that is part of the Insecta family. Its body is segmented into three parts, the head, and the thorax. It also has jointed appendages, including a pair of wings and malpighian tubules for excretion.

The name of the cockroach is derived from the Greek word blatta. Cockroaches belong to the Dictyoptera superorder. In some classifications, cockroaches are included in the Blattodea suborder. The cockroach is an omnivore, and will eat almost anything that contains keratin. Cockroaches are also known to bite human flesh.

Cockroaches are an ancient group of insects. Their ancestors lived during the Carboniferous period. Their earliest ancestors did not have internal ovipositors or chewing mouthparts. The cockroach can adapt to a wide variety of climates. Some species are more adaptable to tropical environments than others.

Cockroaches are found in a variety of habitats, and the tropics support the greatest diversity of cockroaches. Among these, about 20 species of cockroaches have adapted to human habitation and have become common household pests. Other types of cockroaches live in temperate regions.