Is Cockroach Harmful to Humans?

You may wonder is cockroach harmful to humans. While these pests can certainly cause allergic reactions, it is important to understand that they only bite when they are desperate for food. Humans can become infected by their bites because of the bacteria they carry. These cockroaches are known to carry Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause digestive problems, urinary tract infections, and even sepsis. Additionally, some species of cockroaches are known to bite humans, particularly the soft parts of the skin and fingernails.

Although the majority of cockroaches carry harmless bacteria, a few can cause serious illness. Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria found in roaches, has been linked to many human infections. Although this bacterium usually causes boils, it can also cause more serious issues, such as lung infections. If you have had primary contact with a cockroach, it is important to seek medical care.

In addition to their odor and bad smell, cockroaches can cause gastrointestinal diseases. They also can cause asthma attacks in some people who are sensitized to their allergens. Cockroach allergens are especially dangerous for children. Asthma rates are rising, and cockroaches are a major health risk for those who suffer from this chronic disease.

Cockroaches can cause rashes, which can be extremely uncomfortable. They may also cause an itchy mouth and nose. Some people have even experienced full-blown asthma attacks from exposure to cockroach allergens. Cockroaches do not sting, but their fecal matter may trigger an allergic reaction in people.