Do Cockroaches Make a Noise When They Die?

If you’re concerned about cockroaches making a noise while they’re alive, don’t panic. They rarely make noise during active feeding, and the noise is usually quite subtle. Some types of cockroaches do, however, make noise while they scurry across the floor. This type of noise may be amplified if the roach is on a noisy surface.

In some species, cockroaches use their noisy behaviors to signal dominance and size. They make noise when fighting, and their hisses increase when they win. Their hisses also serve as a warning to other animals. You may have even seen a zoo display of hissing cockroaches. These critters live in the Insect Zoo, where they’re fed fruit.

A cockroach’s death noise may be accompanied by a scurrying motion. This movement can be interpreted as a warning sign, or an attempt at courtship. If a female cockroach is not responding, the male will scurry to make a sound, called stridulation.

The noise of a cockroach is a common warning sign that the infestation of cockroaches is approaching. It’s also possible to identify the species through the noises made by cockroaches. These noises are often associated with mating, so listening out for these sounds is crucial.