How Long Do German Cockroach Eggs Take to Hatch?

German cockroaches are among the most common household pests. However, they are also difficult to get rid of completely. This is because the eggs of this roach are well preserved, making them resistant to pesticides. The time it takes for the egg to hatch can be as long as 28 days.

When the eggs of German cockroaches are laid, they are carried by the female cockroach until they hatch. If they are dropped too early, they will dry out and not have a chance to develop. Likewise, if they are dropped too late, the eggs may not hatch and the nymphs will not be visible.

German cockroaches reproduce rapidly. Females lay up to four or eight egg capsules during their lifetime. Each capsule contains from 30 to 48 eggs. German cockroaches have an average gestation period of 28 days. The German cockroach can produce as many as 10,000 roaches in a year.

The eggs of the German cockroach are brown and between six and nine mm long. Once hatched, the roach nymphs will live in the ootheca of the female cockroach until they are ready to emerge from the egg case. During the entire development process, the female cockroach lays between four and eight oothecae in her lifetime.

The egg cases of the different cockroach species contain different number of eggs. For example, the German roach lays about 40 eggs in each case, whereas the American roach produces only 15-16.