How Long Do Cockroach Eggs Live?

Cockroach eggs are produced by female cockroaches. They are dark brown and measure eight mm in length. These eggs are surrounded by a protein substance that hardens into a protective case. Some species drop the egg capsule, while others carry it until it is ready to hatch.

The egg case of a female German cockroach contains as many as thirty to forty eggs. It is carried on the abdomen by the female until the eggs are ready to hatch. Once the eggs hatch, they develop into bright white nymphs. However, some cockroaches leave their egg cases alone.

Cockroach eggs will hatch between two and three weeks. These eggs will contain between fifteen and twenty-four developing baby roaches. The egg case is similar to a suitcase, and each half will have fifteen to twenty-four nymphs lined up on the top and bottom.

While cockroach eggs are not as common as live roaches, their existence may indicate a problem. Even if you find only one cockroach, one egg can hatch hundreds of others, so it is important to call a pest control company immediately. In the meantime, the eggs will remain viable in vacuum sealed bags, but it is best to keep them out of the wash and from being washed in hot or soapy water.

Once the eggs hatch, it can be difficult to remove the insects from the home. German cockroaches are particularly difficult to remove. Their eggs are very well hidden and can be difficult to kill.