What Should I Do If I Find a Cockroach in My Home?

The first thing to remember if you find a cockroach in your home is that it is not necessarily an infestation. There are a few things you can do to get rid of roaches. It is important to assess the situation properly and to come up with a plan of action. Counting roaches can help you determine the extent of your infestation.

Cockroaches are usually found in places where they can hide during the day. If you see one, make a mental note of the location and any other details about the bug. If you find a baby cockroach, that is a particularly bad sign. The baby wouldn’t have strayed that far from its nest and can be an indication of more adults.

If you find a cockroach in your home, you can begin by eliminating it by destroying its egg casks. These eggs can contain up to 50 cockroaches, so you should remove all the eggs as soon as possible. If the roaches leave any remains, you should dispose of them properly.

Cockroaches live in dark, moist places, and they are more likely to live near water or food than in light. They are often found in the basement or bathrooms. They also hide in cracks and holes, so they might not be visible from the outside.