Why Do I Keep Seeing Cockroaches in My House?

You may have noticed that you’ve started to notice cockroaches in your home, but you may not be sure what they are. Cockroaches are most active at night, and rarely come out during the day. However, if you’re seeing roaches during the day, it could be a sign of an infestation.

Cockroaches usually come into homes through leaky pipes or drains. These areas are ideal breeding grounds for cockroaches, and they are often attracted to stagnant water. When you notice this, you’ll want to clean these areas thoroughly. Fortunately, you can get rid of cockroaches using a number of methods.

One of the most common methods of killing roaches is to use boric acid powder. This chemical is often used in laundry detergent and toothpaste, and it is an effective method for killing roaches. However, you should be aware that boric acid powder can blow around the house, and it can come in contact with pets or vulnerable people.

Besides droppings, you may also notice roaches’ oothecae, or egg masses. These are shaped like peppers, and you may also notice them on carpet edges and underneath cabinets that overhang the kitchen floor. The oothecae are the eggs of cockroaches, and they can easily be seen in dark, moist areas.