How Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?

Cockroaches lay eggs as part of their reproductive cycle. A female cockroach produces several eggs, which are enclosed in a casing called an ootheca. The egg capsule hardens after several hours to protect the cockroach eggs from predators and the elements.

Cockroach eggs vary in size and shape. The American cockroach and the German cockroach eggs are about 1/3 inch (8 mm) long. The roach eggs of the Brown-banded roach measure less than a quarter-inch (5 mm). Cockroach eggs have a ridge running down the length and a weak point, which allows the nymph to escape.

Cockroaches prefer to hide in odor-absorbing materials like cardboard, wood, and paper. In the case of dressers and boxes of old clothes, they may deposit eggs or capsules inside. However, it is most likely that the eggs are hidden at the back of a drawer.

A female German cockroach produces about 30 to 48 eggs in her ootheca. This egg case is hidden in a safe location until the egg hatches. It can take 24 to 38 days for the nymphs to emerge from the ootheca.

Cockroaches lay their eggs near food sources. Some may even lay their eggs in your food. Besides laying eggs in food, roaches may also lay their eggs on furniture, tables, and chairs. Although roaches do not lay eggs in human hair, they may leave their egg cases in your hair. Hair, however, is not a good environment for egg casing.