Do Cockroaches Come From Drains?

Cockroaches are not necessarily coming from your drain. They could be coming from the ground and have found their way to your drain as a place to find shelter. Adding a drain cover is a great way to stop them from entering your drain. If you have small cracks in your drain, seal them with caulk or plaster. Even tiny cracks can turn into large holes over time. If the cracks are large, you may want to call a plumber to make the repairs. Drain covers are a great way to block the entrance to the drain and deter roaches from entering your home.

Although cockroaches prefer to live outdoors, they can enter your home at night when drains are not flooded. You may find them in bathtubs and kitchen sinks. They may also enter your drain by crawling into drain pipes. Regardless of where they enter your home, they are a nuisance and can be difficult to get rid of. To avoid them, make sure to dry your drains.

Cockroaches love moisture. They are drawn to unclean drains and are often found in sewage systems. If you notice a large infestation, there is a good chance your drains are infested. You can avoid this problem by cleaning them regularly and removing any food scraps and garbage.