Cockroach Feces – Can Cockroach Feces Make You Sick?

Cockroach feces can be dangerous, but if you clean it properly, you can avoid becoming sick. Cockroach feces contain a variety of harmful bacteria, which can enter your bloodstream and cause serious illness. While roach feces may not be attractive to look at, cleaning them is necessary to protect your family. Make sure you wear old clothes, gloves, and a protective face mask or respirator before you start cleaning.

The exoskeletons and droppings of cockroaches can cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma attacks. One study, called the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study, found that cockroach-infested skin particulates were present on the skin of 35 percent of urban children with asthma. This finding was confirmed in subsequent studies. Cockroaches can transmit bacteria and viruses from one person to another. Some of these pathogenic bacteria can cause asthma and more serious illnesses.

Cockroaches can also carry dangerous parasitic worms. As a result, children who had frequent contact with cockroaches are more likely to miss school, have insomnia, and require hospital visits. The presence of cockroach allergens in the air could trigger an asthma attack or lead to a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Cockroaches are difficult to detect in the home, as they are nocturnal and hide in drains and under mats. However, cockroach feces are easy to identify, and their amount can give you an indication of a cockroach infestation. In addition, you may notice a distinct odor emanating from the area.