Can Cockroach Fly in Air?

The answer to the question, “Can cockroach fly in air” is an emphatic “yes.” The American cockroach, one of the largest species of household roach, has wings that are nearly the length of its body. These wings are reddish-black and cover most of the insect’s back. The roach’s size depends on sex and location.

The cockroach can fly at 3.4 miles per hour. That’s equivalent to 200 mph for a human. In addition to being able to fly, cockroaches can use their wings to balance themselves on uneven terrain or to readjust their center of gravity. Cockroaches with wings also have a greater chance of survival when the temperature is high enough to allow them to take flight.

While cockroaches don’t fly very often, a few species do possess wings. Some species, such as the Oriental cockroach, are very adept at flying. They can also glide from high places to low ones. This ability is not common in household roaches.

Besides wings, cockroaches can fly in hot and cold temperatures. Their ideal temperature range is between 75 and 85 degrees and once the temperature rises above this range, they will glide towards cooler places. They use flying as a survival mechanism to avoid imminent danger.