Can You Use Borax to Kill Cockroaches?

Borax is an effective method for killing roaches, but there are many alternatives. Using baking soda or vinegar is a safer and less toxic option, and natural essential oils like mint, neem, cinnamon, and bay leaves may also help. However, do not use borax in the presence of pets, as it can be harmful to their health.

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral, but it can be dangerous to people and animals. It’s important to keep borax away from food, pets, and children. While it’s a great natural solution to your roach problem, it won’t be a one-shot fix, and will require repeated application.

Baking soda is another inexpensive alternative to borax. This common household product can be mixed with borax to form a cohesive white powder. You can apply the paste to roaches, but be sure to add a small amount of attractant first. Some recipes call for two teaspoons of baking soda, while others call for a quarter teaspoon of borax powder.

Borax can also be combined with a sweet bait. Sugar or honey attract cockroaches, and the mixture is sweet enough to make them eat the powder. Apply this mixture to areas where roaches are most active. The effect may take time, but if the roaches are hiding, they will probably die shortly.