Can a Cockroach Eat Through Plastic?

One question you may have is “Can a cockroach eat through plastic?” The answer is a resounding “yes”. Roaches can chew through a wide variety of plastic materials, from thin plastics to plastic grocery bags. They have a powerful bite, and their digestive system allows them to consume just about anything. Cockroaches are often found around food and can often be found feeding on leftovers from your dishware. But while roaches can eat plastic, it is not a safe option.

Cockroaches also love to feed on unopened food. They often scavenge food items from pantries and cupboards, and they will chew through paper, cardboard, or even thin plastic containers to get to their food. If you find any of these items, it is best to discard them immediately. In addition, you should store your food in plastic containers that are made from thick plastic.

Cockroaches also chew through plastic trash bags. It’s true, they prefer the softer material, but they are also much more likely to lay eggs in it. And they can reproduce rapidly. Roaches can lay 50 eggs in their egg case, and these eggs hatch in 24 to 38 days.

Although cockroaches can live in clean environments, they can still spread germs and bacteria. In a recent study conducted by Cambridge University, cockroaches in a hospital were found to carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This means that while the bacteria in food containers cannot be sucked up by roaches, they can still eat through them.