It may be hard to believe, but spiders actually need water. A few species require water daily, while others do not. The smaller ones will drink a little water, but…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Need Water to Survive?
Spiders can cause great damage to plants, especially houseplants. They feed on the juices of plants and can cause leaf distortion and defoliation. However, spiders aren’t the only pests that…Continue readingHow Can Spiders Kill Plants?
When we think of spiders, we often think of them as carnivores, and we often wonder how do spiders taste their food. There are some spiders that are strict vegetarians,…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Taste Their Food?
Flying spiders are not insect predators. They prefer to consume other arachnids instead. However, they may bite if threatened. Their venom is not poisonous. They are unique creatures to the…Continue readingDo Spiders With Wings Exist?
There are more than 50,000 different types of spiders that live around the world. Most of them are harmless, but some of them produce toxic venom. Spider bites can cause…Continue readingWhat Do Spiders Bite With?
Spiders and flies can be a nuisance. They can cause diseases and damage to your property. You can find many ways to get rid of them. However, sprays and deodorants…Continue readingDoes Deodorant Kill Spiders?
Spiders have eyes that are highly developed, with a wide variety of vision. They use their vision to detect motion, and their vision has evolved to cover a wide range…Continue readingHow Good is a Spider’s Eyesight?
Throughout the ages, people have attributed many things to spiders. These include good luck and bad luck. Several different countries and cultures have developed a variety of superstitions related to…Continue readingIs Spiders Good Luck?
Wolf spiders are nocturnal animals, which hunt for their food at night. They live in a variety of habitats. Some species live in grasslands, while others are found in the…Continue readingWhere Can You Find Wolf Spiders?
Spiders are arachnids that have eight legs and fangs. They are usually harmless to humans, but they can bite if they are threatened. There are a few species of spiders…Continue readingWhere Do Spiders Bite?
There are thousands of different types of spiders in the world. Some are harmless, while others can be deadly. Knowing the difference between these dangerous and harmless species can help…Continue readingWhich Spiders Are Harmless?
The spider is one of the most important predators in our terrestrial ecosystems. It helps regulate species density and insect populations. In addition to this, it is a critical food…Continue readingWhy Are Spiders Important to Humans?
Spiders have an extensive visual system. Their eyes are complex and can detect polarized light and motion. In addition to their visual system, spiders also have specialized senses. Some spiders…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Have Eight Eyes?
Synthetic spider silk is being developed for many applications. Some are used for performance outdoor gear, while others are being used in medical devices. It is also being used in…Continue readingHow Much Does Spider Silk Cost?
Spiders eat their prey in a few different ways. They either inject venom into their prey, wrap it in silk, or liquefy it. In addition, they can inject digestive fluids…Continue readingHow Spiders Eat Their Prey
If you think you have been bitten by a spider, you should go to the emergency room. Spider bites are very rare. However, some types of spiders can be venomous…Continue readingWill Spiders Bite You For No Reason?
If you have ever wondered, “Can spiders eat bees?”, you are not alone. There are a number of species of garden spiders that have been known to eat the insects…Continue readingCan Spiders Eat Bees?
Spiderman is a fictional character. He is a hero who uses spider powers to combat crime. His powers include a stinger, a web-swinging ability and enhanced sense of balance. As…Continue readingHow Can Spiderman Control Spiders?
Many people wonder whether spiders can hold their breath underwater. A number of species have been observed to survive underwater for long periods of time. In fact, some species of…Continue readingCan Spiders Hold Their Breath Underwater?
If you are wondering if spiders kill wasps, then you are not alone. The British Arachnological Society is keen to hear about your sightings. Spiders can be predators, but they…Continue readingDo Spiders Kill Wasps?