Why Do Bed Bugs Only Come Out at Night?

Bedbugs prefer dark environments, so it’s easy to see why they tend to only come out at night. This behavior helps them avoid detection and avoid their natural predators. However, if you notice the presence of these insects during the daytime, you should seek professional help immediately.

Although bedbugs feed on a variety of warm-blooded animals, their main source of protein is humans. The bites are not painful to humans and typically only leave red, itchy welts. Thankfully, bedbug bites do not transmit disease and can be treated with topical creams.

Although bedbugs can come out during the day, their preferred times to feed are the evening and nighttime hours. This is because humans are usually active during the day and rest during the night. In addition, they are likely to come out at night if they’re hungry and haven’t had a host in a while. They’ll also feed during the daytime hours if the conditions are right.

Bedbugs tend to hide in crevices and thin corners of rooms. If you suspect that you have a bedbug infestation, it’s best to search for the bugs in their hiding places during the day. This way, you can get rid of the bugs without disturbing their resting place.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!