Why Do Bed Bugs Make You Itch?

Bedbug bites cause itching, but not everyone experiences an extreme reaction. Most people only experience minor irritation from bedbug bites, but some people are more sensitive to the itching sensation and even develop an infection. This condition can cause both mental and physical health problems. If you’ve ever experienced the itchy sensation of bedbug bites, you may be wondering why the bugs bite you.

Bedbug bites usually look like raised, red welts, and they are accompanied by itching and burning. Sometimes, the bites appear in a line or group. You may also notice redness or discoloration. If you’re worried about bedbugs, you can take antihistamines to ease the itching. In most cases, bedbugs bites will clear up on their own after about a week.

Bedbugs use a special chemical known as anesthetics to penetrate the skin, which is why you may notice itchiness after a bite from a bedbug. In addition to injecting anesthetics, these tiny creatures also inject an anticoagulant to prevent blood clotting. The anesthetic keeps the bites from itching until the anesthetic wears off, but some people are highly sensitive and develop a mild to moderate rash.

The itching and burning caused by bed bug bites vary from person to person. In most cases, the skin irritation is mild, but those who experience a severe reaction may need medical attention.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!