Why Do Bed Bugs Leave Stains on Sheets?

If you’ve ever had an infestation with bed bugs, you’ve probably noticed a few stains on your sheets and clothes. These stains are caused by the blood that bed bugs leave behind. These stains are red, black, or brown and may appear on your bedding, mattress, box spring, furniture, or carpet. The stains will appear more prominently near areas where the bugs have been feeding. If you notice more than a few of these stains, remove your bedding and check the mattress for any more bloodstains.

The stains caused by bed bugs are often difficult to identify without a picture. This is because bed bugs’ poop is partly blood and turns black when excreted. Many people mistakenly send pictures of stains that appear light rusty. While this color can look like blood, bed bugs leave a black stain on your sheets.

If you find these stains on your sheets, you may have a bedbug infestation. The best way to tell if you have bedbugs is to find them early. Bed bugs will hide in wood or cracks, so it’s important to inspect your bed frame, headboard, and box spring. You can use a flashlight to check these areas, but you may have to remove the headboard from your bed to ensure you find all of the bugs.

The feces of bed bugs are black or very dark brown. These stains will be soft and may turn hard over time. The feces will look like an ink mark or beaded-up black dot on your sheet. Be aware that bed bug feces are not something you can collect in a bag and store for later.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!