What Happens If CPS Takes Your Child If You Have Bed Bugs?

CPS will conduct a review of the home and look for any signs of lice or bed bugs. They may also inspect the home to determine if there are any chemical hazards that could be harmful to the child. If you find that there are a lot of chemicals in your home, you must make sure to store them in proper containers and out of reach of children.

During a home inspection, the inspector will wear protective booties or a special pair of shoes. They should do their inspection during the daytime and not during the night. They will then remove clothing on a non-carpeted floor and place it in a plastic bag. Afterwards, they will transfer it to a laundry facility and wash it in hot water. They should also dry it on the hottest setting.

It’s important to remember that bed bugs are not confined to one area. Instead, they usually appear as multiple bites in the same area. This is called an infestation. The bites will be itchy and red for two to three days. You can also consult a doctor to diagnose the infestation and prescribe treatment.

A CPS caseworker may also take your child if they notice the presence of bed bugs. They will want to see that the living space is reasonably clean and suitable for children. They may also want to check whether there are knives or any other items that could cause harm to the child.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!