What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
If you’ve ever wondered what bed bugs look like, you’re not alone. The average adult bed bug is about the same size as an apple seed, and their flat bodies are as thick as a piece of cardboard. They’re also quite flat, and can easily fit into small crevices or loose wallpaper.
While bed bugs can appear quite large at times, they also undergo several different life stages. Their size, color, and shape will change as they grow. When they’re hungry, they’ll be smaller than when they’re not. The body of a bed bug will also change color, length, and shape.
Bed bug eggs are small and white. They are the size of a poppy seed, and are difficult to spot. You can see the shells of bed bugs by using a flashlight or magnifying glass. You can also look for bed bug stains on the mattress and bed linens.
Adult bed bugs look just like mosquitoes, but they’re much larger. The nymphs have recently eaten undigested blood. When they’ve finished feeding, they’ll change color to a purplish-red color. Once they have enough blood to moult, they will enlarge and become a cigar-like shape. Their size depends on several factors, but the average adult bed bug can range from 1/4″ to 3/8″ long, and is about 5 to nine mm in diameter.
Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown insects that have six legs. When they feed, they will increase in size and engorge themselves. After engorged, their bodies expand and they can resemble the size of an apple seed. A large infestation can spread rapidly.